
The Open Source up-to-date meme game

Up-To-Meme an always up to date meme game

Up-To-Meme is a meme card-hybrid-online game to play with your friends.

Always the freshest,spiciest, most up-to-date memes and captions.

1. Why are you making this?

Our goal is to keep meme card games up-to-date without having to purchase another copy.

2. How?

Our cards will only have urls and qr codes to those URLs.

3. Why would you make it hard to use offline? Is there any way to use them offline?

Not sure on the first question. 2nd question: I am thinking of a backup kit with memes from the time.

4. Would this lead towards loss of card game ownership, monthly subscription card games, online ad-supported physical card games,and online physical card game DRM?

I am sorry to say this: while I do not intend to do those things here, someone else might do them later down the line.

5. Are you integrating anything else in the future?

someday, there will be an online version that is always up-to-date and has meme points!

6. Will you regret this someday?

Refer to 4. If either one of those situations happen, I will be so regretful that some of the cards will have stuff advising against those situations.

Is this going to be open source?
